Flash Furniture Ribbed Upholstered Leather High-Back Swivel Chair, Brown\/Silver
Flash Furniture Ribbed Upholstered Leather High-Back Swivel Chair, Brown\/Silver
If You search Flashes then Flash Furniture Ribbed Upholstered Leather High-Back Swivel Chair, Brown\/Silver is best choice.
There are a number of Flashes available in the market now and is particularly a really complicated job to decide the best idea together with a bang for your buck. Before purchasing the product, gather as many facts as possible to ensure a better buying decision. Possibly, you can actually check out the different professional and end user testimonials using the web to have a honest notion. Let`s see what these reviews really have to say concerning this Flash Furniture.
Add comfortable, elegant seating to your work station Overall Dimensions: 42 1\/2in
to 45 1\/2in.H x 23 1\/2in.W x 25 1\/2in.D
Weight capacity tested to support 250 lb
Lumbar feature supports your lower back and enhances the natural curve of your spine
Comfort-molded seat provides a cushioned feel
Ribbed, upholstered leather fabric adds an elegant look to your workspace
Pneumatic seat-height adjustment lets you adjust your seat height with a dual-paddle control
Locking tilt mechanism for mid-pivot knee tilt
Metal frame ensures durability
Swivel design for increased maneuverability
Integrated bar in the back helps keep your jacket within reach
Meets and\/or exceeds ANSI\/BIFMA performance standards
Assembly required
Flash Furniture Ribbed Upholstered Leather High-Back Swivel Chair, Brown\/Silver is one of many available through Office Depot
Made by Flash Furniture.
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